Here’s another impulsive post on something I think hearing aid wearers should know about. Read about insurers and Medicare in the New York Times. I’m not surprised.
Initially, I tried so hard to accept as many insurances as possible, because when someone pays an insurance premium they should be able to access the benefit. Eventually, the hours on the phone with these Medicare “advantage” plans and the emotional strain of talking to people who don’t care about my patients was too much. All of this recently made it an easy decision to drop these insurers.
I do still accept Department of Rehabilitation, the Veteran’s Administration, MediCal, and MediCare. There’s still paperwork, but at the end of the day I’m happy because they expect a high standard of care, it isn’t about profit, and the people I talk to really care about my patients.
So if you’re considering an Medicare Advantage plan, you now have a little more info to consider in your research. Medicare.gov has resources too.