I made a presentation the the Hearing Loss Association of Santa Barbara. They’d asked me to talk about the latest technology. Here’s a summary.
Helpful New Technology:
1) Help in noise:
– Faster sound processing
– Wireless connection between hearing aid via 2.4 gHz, near field magnetic induction
2) Bluetooth:
– To find lost hearing aids
– To remotely control hearing aids
– To hear cell phone calls, TV, or a remote microphone through hearing aids without a lot of extra devices.
– Stream tinnitus masking apps from your phone or tablet
3) Rechargeable batteries
Important Old Technology:
1) Telecoil for use in looped theaters like the Granada, Lobero, and Arlington
2) Directional microphones for help in noise
Fancy New Stuff That Doesn’t Improve Hearing:
1) Hearing aids that can be adjusted remotely
2) Hearing aids that translate languages
3) Hearing aids that monitor exercise like a FitBit
4) Hearing aids that start the coffee or tell you when you get an email